Workshop Building Checklist

Workshop Building Checklist


Properties/Course Name *
Name of the course you are offering.  This will appear in the catalog and will be the first thing clients see when searching for classes.

Properties/CPE and GT Credit Hours
Number of clock hours for the course. For instance, a 1-day workshop offered from 9am to 4pm would be a 6-hour course (1 hour lunch).
Please work with Region 13 GT team to determine if your session qualifies for GT credit.

Properties/Course Categories
Clients can search our catalog by course category, which is specified here. You may choose more than one.
Note: This is one of the most popular ways people find courses.

Properties/Overview (Description)*
This is what appears in the catalog so clients will know what the course is about. It is also what appears on their class certificate. Specific information about dates and times should not appear here but can appear later in the Catalog Notes. This field CANNOT be blank.


Properties Tab

Workshop Name*
This should start the same as your course name, but may add more specific detail to help clarify your content.

Delivery Method*
In-person, online, and blended options

This tells clients who the target audience is for this event.  This will appear in the catalog on the class description page.

Clients may search the catalog by presenter name.

This will be listed in the catalog for clients who may have additional questions about the class, schedule, or content of the event.

Catalog Tab

Registration Open and End Dates*
This tab contains dates for registration and the fee information for this class.

Launch Button and Access Start and End Dates
These control the link to Canvas.

Accounting Code and Price
Specify where revenue goes and how much your session costs.

Seating Limit, Participants Register, and Hide From Catalog*
Controls the maximum number of registrants and catalog behavior and visibility.

Catalog Notes
If you need to be specific about times, dates, and materials that need to be brought to your meeting, this is the place.  This does appear in the catalog but will not appear on the customer certificate.

Discounts Tab
Discount codes are used to grant free or reduced-price registration to clients.

Meetings Tab
This is where you note what day or days your event will be offered.

Resources Tab
Once you have specified a meeting date, you can select from available rooms to hold your event.

Catalog Preview Tab
See what your class will look like in the catalog. Use this before you send for publishing.

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