Workshop Cancellation Process

Workshop Cancellation Criteria

Workshops with zero registrants can be canceled at any time without intervention from Customer Experience. To cancel an empty workshop, simply open the course in E-Campus, go to the list of workshops, and click Cancel. This will remove any workshop room reservations and will delete the workshop from the database. Caution, this step is not reversible.

To cancel a workshop for which there is one or more registrants you must follow the Workshop Cancellation Procedure.

Workshop Cancellation Procedure

For meetings and workshops that have been published in the E-Campus catalog and advertised publicly, that have one or more registrants, please follow the following steps to cancel your workshop.

Workshop cancellation must take place at least seven business days prior to the start of the workshop.

  1. Open the workshop in E-Campus and change the Participants Register option to “No” so no further registrations will occur.
  2. Notify your coordinator/director of the requested cancellation. Please include the name of the workshop, workshop ID, reason for canceling, and the number of active registrants. Copy
  3. Coordinator approval should be forwarded to
  4. Contact any active registrants by phone and email to let them know of the cancellation.
  5. Upon approval receipt, the workshop room reservations and meetings will be deleted by Customer Experience. Active registrants will be changed to CANCEL-M. Any applicable refunds will be handled by Customer Experience. Registrations will not be transferred to replacement workshops.

PLEASE NOTE: It is up to you to call and email each registrant to let them know the workshop has canceled. Customer Experience will not notify your participants.
Questions about this policy should be directed to the coordinator of Customer Experience.

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