Accessibility Check for Microsoft Suite and Google Suite
Desktop Application - Select the Review Tab, and click Check Accessibility. A panel will open with potential accessibility issues. Review and correct any issues.
Office 365 - Select the Options tab, and click the Check Accessibility icon. A panel will open with potential accessibility issues. Review and correct any issues.
Word , Excel & Powerpoint
Desktop or Office 365 - Select the Review Tab, and click Check Accessibility. A panel will open with potential accessibility issues. Review and correct any issues. Microsoft also offers further accessibility documentation by selecting the links in the drop-down menu and panel.
Google Suite
Google Suite does not have a built-in accessibility tool.
- Download your Google Doc as a .doc or your Powerpoint as a ppt. file and open it with the corresponding Microsoft application. Follow the steps for accessing the Microsoft accessibility tool.
- Read the Google help document; Make your Document or Presentation More Accessible.