Coffee At Satellite Campuses

Making Coffee:

  • For single-serving cups, please feel free to use the provided Keurig Machine.
    • Note: Decaf coffee is only available as Keurig K-cups at our satellites.
  • To make a large pot of coffee, follow the steps below.
  1. Prepare the Basket:
    1. Place one coffee filter in the basket.
    2. Add one packet of coffee grounds into the filter.
    3. Please be sure to throw coffee grounds away at the end of the day.
  2. Add Water:
    1. Open the black plastic trap door located on the top right of the machine (it flips open).
    2. Use the ice machine/water dispenser in the kitchen to fill a pitcher with water.
    3. Pour one full pitcher of water into the machine through the trap door
  3. Check for Brewing:
    1. Wait approximately 30 seconds to see if the coffee begins brewing.
    2. If it does not, pour an additional pitcher of water into the machine. In some cases, a third pitcher of water may be required.
  4. Begin Brewing:
    1. Once the basket is prepared with a filter and coffee grounds, and the required amount of water has been added, coffee will begin to brew.
  5. Repeat the steps above to make additional pots of coffee.
  6. Do not use the LOWER or UPPER switches on the coffee machine.

Keeping Coffee Warm:

  • Pour coffee into an insulated Air Pot and bring it into your classroom to keep it warm. One Air Pot will hold up to two pots of coffee.
    • Please be sure to rinse air pots and leave them empty at the end of the day.

Providing Hot Water:

  • To provide hot water for tea or other uses, follow the steps above, but do not fill the basket with coffee grounds.

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