Importing Selected Content from Commons into your Canvas

Open or Create a Destination Course 

1. Login into your Canvas Account.

2. Click the Create a New Course button or open an existing course. 

3. Click the Settings button on the course navigation bar.

Select and Import Course Content

1. From the sidebar on the right choose  Import Course Content button. 

2. Choose [1]  Copy a Canvas Course from the drop-down menu. Note: Choose this option even if you only want selected content from the course. 

3. Enter the name of the course you want to copy or enter “ R13” in the [2] course search box to show a list of all the course templates designed by the LX department. Click on the name of the course you would like to copy.

4. Choose all content or select specific contenfrom the [3] Content options. Click the check box next to [4] Options if you need to adjust events and due dates in your course. Note: It's recommended that you remove or adjust your events and due dates. If you would like to adjust the events and due dates in your course select this option. After you select this choice you will be asked whether you want to remove dates or shift dates from your course. If your select to shift them, input the new beginning and ending date for the course. Click [5] Import.

5. Once you click [5]  Import, a list of current jobs to display. A Select Content button will appear next to the job if you choose to select individual content from a course vs. the course. Click the Select Content button and then check the box next to any modules, pages, or content you wish to copy. Click the Select Content button at the bottom of the window and the status of your job will turn to queued.

Import Status and Issues

After importing a course or content from a course, a list of current jobs displays along with the status of each import. The time it takes for your job to finish will vary depending on the course size, file size, and connection speed. The status will update to completed when the job is finished. 

If any problems occur during the import, the number of issues will display near the completed box. Clicking on the word issues will reveal a description of the issue and link to the page occurrence. If you inadvertently close the page you can get back to the import status list by going to Settings, and clicking Import Course Content from the sidebar.

Common Issues

  • Links Wiki issue - Check that all links are correct and linking to content in your current course. This may occur if you are only copying a module or single page that has a link to other pages or content in the original source course.
  • Copying modules with LTI assignments or classic quizzes – If an issue occurs and the module content will not copy, remove the LTI assignment or Classic quiz from the module and then copy the module over to your course.

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